Assortment of plant-based tindle chicken products displayed alongside prepared dishes.

TiNDLE US-Einzelhandelssortiment

A tindle plant-based chicken burger served with shredded cheese, lettuce, and sauce, accompanied by a glass of iced tea.

TiNDLE Buttermilch-Burger

A plant-based sandwich with pickles and lettuce served on a wooden table alongside a beer and a side of sauce.

TiNDLE Shawarma

Grilled skewered meat served with sliced cucumber, sauce, peas, and a glass of beer.

TiNDLE Satay

A plate of eggplant parmesan garnished with basil, served with grated cheese, a glass of red wine, and a bottle in the background.

TiNDLE Parmigiana

A crispy vegetarian burger with pickled onions and lettuce, accompanied by sauce, on a wooden board with a branded 'tindle' flag.

TiNDLE Kiewer Burger

A crispy vegetarian burger with pickled onions and lettuce, accompanied by sauce, on a wooden board with a branded 'tindle' flag.

TiNDLE Kiev Burger

A bowl of meatballs with rice garnished with red peppers and parsley, accompanied by pita bread and a red drink on a light background.

TiNDLE Butter Masala

Grilled pork loin with green beans and mashed potatoes on a blue-rimmed plate, accompanied by a glass of iced beverage.

Gebratenes TiNDLE mit grünen Bohnen und Knoblauch


Auftauen der TiNDLE B-Rolle

Handhabung und Marinieren von TiNDLE B Roll

Braten von TiNDLE B Roll

Grillen von TiNDLE B Roll

TiNDLE in Saucen und Eintöpfen B Roll

Pfannen-Bratpfanne, B-Rolle

TiNDLE Hype Culinary Video B Roll

TiNDLE-Produktionsprozess B-Rolle